Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries |
1498 |
ASALS and Regional Development |
2 |
Basic Education |
31 |
Blue Economy |
25 |
Blue Economy and Fisheries |
17 |
Broadcasting and Telecommunications |
1 |
Cabinet Affairs |
0 |
Cooperatives |
1 |
Correctional Services |
5 |
Crops Development |
2 |
Culture and Heritage |
9 |
Defence |
0 |
Democracy and Public Service Delivery |
8 |
Devolution |
32 |
Diaspora Affairs |
0 |
East African Community |
0 |
Education and training |
1678 |
Electoral Political Processes |
0 |
Ending Drought Emergencies |
54 |
Energy |
231 |
Enhanced Equity and Wealth Creation Opportunities for the Poor |
18 |
Environment and Climate Change |
99 |
Environment, Water and Sanitation |
2368 |
Environmental Management |
49 |
Financial services |
133 |
Food and Nutrition Security |
69 |
Foreign Affairs |
13 |
Foreign Relations and Diplomacy |
6 |
Forestry |
2 |
Gender and Affirmative Action |
5 |
Gender, Youth and Vulnerable Groups |
284 |
Governance and the Rule of Law |
39 |
Health (Medical Services and Public Services and Sanitation) |
1102 |
Health Care Delivery |
462 |
Higher Education and Research |
0 |
Housing |
30 |
Housing and Urban Development |
16 |
Human Resource development |
44 |
ICT and Digital Economy |
0 |
ICT and Digital Economy |
0 |
Immigration and Citizen Services |
0 |
Implementation of Constitution and Legal Reforms |
0 |
Industry |
2 |
Information and Communications Technology |
128 |
Infrastructure |
2641 |
Interior and National Administration |
0 |
Investment Promotion |
0 |
Irrigation |
9 |
IT enabled services (previously known as business process off-shoring) |
3 |
Judicial Transformation |
0 |
Judiciary |
0 |
Labour and Employment |
18 |
Labour and Skills Development |
0 |
Land Reform |
278 |
Lands and Physical Planning |
29 |
Leadership, Ethics and Integrity |
3 |
Legal Aid and Awareness |
1 |
Livestock Development |
1 |
Manufacturing |
34 |
Medical Services |
14 |
Micro-small Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Development |
0 |
Mining |
2 |
National Treasury |
1 |
National Values and Ethics |
8 |
Oil and Gas |
25 |
Oil and Other Mineral Resources |
15 |
Parliamentary Affairs |
1 |
Performance and Delivery Management |
4 |
Petroleum |
0 |
Population Development |
0 |
Population, Urbanization and Housing |
74 |
Public Administration and Service Delivery |
244 |
Public Health and Professional Standards |
0 |
Public Sector Reforms |
50 |
Public Service |
5 |
Public Works |
14 |
Roads |
171 |
Rule of Law |
0 |
Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) |
24 |
Security |
23 |
Security, Peace Building and Conflict Management |
18 |
Security, Peace Building and Conflict Resolution |
31 |
Shipping and Maritime Affairs |
2 |
Social Equity and Poverty Reduction |
8 |
Social Protection and Senior Citizen Affairs |
7 |
Sports and the Arts |
23 |
Sports, Culture and Arts |
206 |
State Law Office |
0 |
Strengthening the Criminal Justice System |
0 |
Technical, Vocational Education and Training |
62 |
Tourism |
189 |
Trade |
168 |
Transparency and Accountability |
16 |
Transport |
13 |
Universal Health Coverage (UHC) |
42 |
Water and Sanitation |
116 |
Wholesale and retail trade |
313 |
Wildlife |
1 |
Youth Affairs |
7 |