This project is a joint partnership with the World Bank spanning 6 years (2016-2023) and supporting three (3) Centers of Excellence (ACEIIs). These are: Center of Excellence in Sustainable Agriculture and Agribusiness Management (CESAAM) at Egerton University, Center of Excellence in Sustainable Use of Insects for Food and Feed (INSEFOODS) at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST), and Center of Excellence in Phytochemicals, Textile and Renewable Energy (PTRE) at Moi University.
The focus of the ACEIIs is to strengthen higher education institutions, to deliver quality post-graduate education and build collaborative research capacity in the Big 4 Agenda areas of agriculture, food security and manufacturing.
In JOOUST, research on Insect foods such as confectioneries, and breeding of black soldier fly for farm manure and animal was initiated.The overall objective of INSEFOODS is to achieve long-term food and nutritional security by using insects as a cost-effective, reliable and sustainable source of protein and other nutrients for food and feeds. In addition, INSEFOODS’ strategy is to develop and offer high quality regional and internationally accredited masters, doctoral and short courses programs in food security and sustainable agriculture with insects for food and feeds as the entry point. The educational programs will involve teaching, research, product development and commercialization, and student and staff exchanges in different disciplines related to insects as food and feeds across Africa.
The project has already enrolled 182 PhD, 490 Masters students and 492 trained in short term coursesThe project further supported community /industry-based research in locust management, soil conservation, insect rearing, dyes making, installations of biogas among others.
The project has greatly enhanced staff skills in training and research through staff exchange, funding supporting for student research, joint research and proposal writing, joint supervision of students, post graduate capacity building, support for research innovations, and improvement in teaching and research facilities, including classroom and laboratories.