State Department for the Blue Economy and Fisheries Dashboard
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Training of communities on sea weed farming, value addition and business |
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2022-02-03 11:02:19 |
Capacity buiding for seaweed farmers to establish seaweed nurseries and seed banks for seaweed upscaling, value addition, management and harvesting has been prioritized under the project. The purpose of this training was to build capacity of seaweed farmers on methods of enhancing seaweed production and marketing. The activity supports the M& E indicator of annual production in mariculture by small-scale producers supported by the project. The training targetted 60 farmers from 9 sea weed farms in Kwale County. Additionally, the training is expected to contribute to the intermediate level indicators; beneficiaries with access to livelihood related training and/or technical assistance supported by the project (disintegrated by gender). |
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Site selection for proposed Landing site infrastructure in Lamu County |
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2022-02-14 03:02:36 |
Site selection for landing site development was conducted by the County staff and the local BMU as seen on the photo above. The existing infrastructure is an initiative by the County government of Lamu. This project is underway in Kizingitini fishing village which is one of the proposed landing sites to be developed to modern landing sites with other associated infrastructure under KEMFSED component 1. The plant will produce over 10 tons of ice per day. The proposed renovation of the existing jetty-linking the Ice plant and docked vessels- will facilitate easy transfer of ice to waiting fishers and fish dealers’ vessels. |
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Kwale County; Mwaepe BMU, Community engagement on identification of County Fisheries Infrastructure Development |
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2022-02-14 03:02:01 |
A public participation forum was conducted to engage the BMU members in the identification of priority areas of intervention in the development of BMU infrastructure. The purpose of this activity is to improve the livelihood of the fisher communities through development of modern fisheries infrastructure that will improve their capacity in fisheries activities along the fisheries value chain and other related activities. The activity supports the M&E indicator of number of county infrastructure development in the counties. The targeted number of fisheries infrastructure in the county are 5 and are expected to improve fisheries production in the county. |
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Kwale County; Vanga Ward, PICD Process Community entry |
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2022-02-14 03:02:26 |
KEMFSED project PICD process community entry meeting with local administrators and community leaders. The purpose of community entry meeting is to give the local administrators and leaders a clear picture of the KEMFSED Project and PICD approach in the project, to identify internal institutions existing within the community, and to devise community mobilization for the PICD process. The meeting provided a list of the internal institutions within the community to be involved in the PICD process, and a roadmap to carrying out mobilization for the exercise. The meeting targeted 15 community leaders selected as representatives of different community, contributing to the indicator of number of community leaders involved and numbers of internal institutions identified. |
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Establishment of Joint Co-Management Areas in Lamu |
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2022-02-14 03:02:15 |
The County under Component 1 has engaged fishers and other fisheries stakeholders on the establishment of Joint Co-Management Areas (JCMAs) in Lamu County which aims to improve management of nearshore fisheries. The establishment of JCMAs will help increase fisheries productivity as in the case of "Octpus Farm" which has tremendously led to an increase in the production of octopus for fishers from Shanga Ishakani, Shanga Rubu and Patte villages in Lamu County. |
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Mombasa County CDPC committee during CDP ratification Process in Kisauni- Junda ward |
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2022-02-14 04:02:11 |
Community ownership of the Community development plan was highly emphasized during the PICD process. The committee developed the plan on behalf of junda ward residents that will provide a sustainable future through empowering of fisher-related livelihoods. The committee was selected during the data collection phase. Its membership was drawn from Beach management Unit, mama karanga, poultry farmers, and garbage collector for diversity and inclusion. A total number of 450 community members attended the ratification exercise. |
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Mombasa County - Jomvu kuu Community members working on their local seasonal calendar |
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2022-02-14 04:02:55 |
The data collection exercise (Participatory social assessment exercise) was conducted to enable the community to identify the various seasons and gaps they have in their various sectors. The tools administered include the seasonal calendar pictured above, that showcased the various seasons experienced in jomvu kuu ward during the year. This exercise was targeting 1500 community members across the 10 priority wards and 2468 community members, comprising of 955 males and 1513 females. There was a very positive feedback and acceptance of the project from the female gender. |
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Improving Fisheries and Blue Economy Infrastructure at the Coastal Region: Construction of a Modern Fish Market at Kichwa Cha Kati Fish Landing Site, Kilifi County |
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2022-02-14 04:02:30 |
The project is one of the initiatives by the State Department for Fisheries, Aquaculture and the Blue Economy to improve Fisheries and Blue Economy infrastructure at the Coast region. The scope of the project entails construction of a modern fish market equipped with a cold room, ice plant and supplied with fresh water. The project will improve the fish cold chain and thereby reduce fish post-harvest losses during fishing (fishers will have access to affordable ice when going fishing) and storage. These interventions will subsequently contribute to food and nutrition security for the coastal communities. Further, trade and market access for fisheries products in the area will be improved contributing to employment creation along the fish value chain. |
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Mombasa County Initiation / awareness creation/attitude change- Meeting with whole community |
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2022-02-14 04:02:12 |
Sensitizing the community and groups representatives on the project and the CDD and PICD approaches it will use to target beneficiaries. Positive response from the community who participated in huge numbers. The main target beneficiaries who are the fisher community had a good representation in all the categories that constitutes the Beach Management Unit (Boat Owners, Crew, Traders, Net repairers, Boat builders, Ice dealers etc).The process was targeting 3,000 community members in the wards targeted ie. 300 participants per ward. However, 5,117 community members participated in the process comprising of 1,661 Males and 3,456 Females. The participation of women was commendable and beyond expectation showing that the gender positively acknowledged the foreseen benefits of the project. To ensure that all the interest groups in the community are covered, the CPIU provided sign language interpreters and PPE to all participants. |
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Mombasa County Community Entry Meeting with the MCAs, Ward Administrators, elders and representatives of community groups |
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2022-02-14 04:02:36 |
Community entry meeting with the Jomvu Kuu ward Community legitimizers during the initial PICD Process. The purpose of the PICD process in the community was discussed with the local legitimizers and through Venn Diagram 1 the legitimizers managed to point out existing Common Interest groups, Beach Management Units and Community Based Organization to be incorporated in the PICD Process. An agreement was made on the invitation of the whole community members for the PICD process in the community. There was a good engagement with the legitimizers who assisted in the mobilization of the whole Jomvu Kuu ward. The expected opinion leaders and legitimizers for this activity was 1,500 and we managed to get 2434 comprising of 797 males and 1080 females. |
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Capacity Building for Thirty (30) Training of Facilitators for Community PICD process for Lamu County |
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2022-02-14 04:02:07 |
Lamu CPIU with support from NPCU organized Training of Facilitators (TOF) in Mtwapa Kilifi County. This training was graced by the Deputy Governor of Lamu County-On the floor addressing the Lamu Participants on the photo above- during his maiden address the DG who is also the County Executive Committee Member (CECM) of Fisheries and Blue economy reminded the 30 TOFs and 7 TOTs of the Importance of the Training in delivery of KEMFSED project outcome under sub-component 2 which is coastal community empowerment and Livelihoods. He encouraged all participants to go back to Lamu and using the skills acquired manage the community expectations and help the project achieve its Project Development objective. |
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Kwale County Presentation of CDPs to the CPSC chair |
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2022-02-14 04:02:13 |
After data gathering through the participatory social assessment each ward developed a community development plan that forms the basis for subproject proposals development. The developed CDPs were presented to the Kwale KEMFSED county project steering committee chairperson (CPSC); CECM Agriculture livestock and fisheries. A total of 10 ward CDPs were developed through phase 1 of the PICD process and presented to the CPSC for ratification and forwarding to the National project coordinating unit (NPCU). The activity supports the M&E indicator of the number of ward CDPs to be developed in Kwale County. This constituted a 50% contribution to the expected output of 20 ward CDPs from the 20 wards in Kwale County; the remaining 10 to be carried out on the second phase of the PICD. |
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Mombasa County Actioning and Visioning |
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2022-02-14 04:02:36 |
The Community Development Plan Committee was administering the future map during the Community Actioning and Visioning. The Community managed to come up with their community visioning and matrix, long term and short term goals, future map and eventually come up with the dCommunity Development Plan |
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Sensitization of County Directors and Stakeholder Partners in Tana River County |
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2022-02-14 04:02:13 |
This was a two day exercise aimed at sensitizing the departmental heads who included the county directors and stakeholder’s partners on KEMFSED Project. The aim of this activity was to help identify and build on successful development initiatives focusing on communities and also familiarize stakeholders with the purpose and strategy of the community-led demand driven development approaches of the project. During the sensitization they were taken through the overview of the project, Financial management and procurement procedures, Monitoring and Evaluation of sub-projects, Reporting on enhanced coastal community livelihoods (ECCL) activities, Environmental and Social Screening of proposed sub-projects and the targeted beneficiaries including VMGs in the participating Wards. |
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Tana River County- Kipini West Community Entry |
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2022-02-14 04:02:52 |
The PICD process involves conducting a smooth community entry and creating awareness on KEMFSED Project and initiating attitude change towards development. This is a one day orientation exercise involving the ACC, Chiefs, Ward Administrator, Community Leaders and represenatatives of the CIGs/CBOs. The community was sensitized on KEMFSED Project, which covered the 3 components of the project. More emphasis was put on the targeted groups, Scholarships, participation of the strategic partners in the project and the development of project concepts. |
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Kwale County, Attitude Change Activity |
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2022-02-14 04:02:03 |
Kwale County, Pongwe Kikoneni Community Attitude Change Exercise The participatory integrated community development process (KEMFSED) involved community members coming together voluntarily to make decisions related to their needs/ problems and find solutions on issues that affect them. The above mentioned activity was conducted in ten wards with an expected target of 300 communities per ward across the county. The awareness/attitude change activity is part of the community entry phase intended to help the community understand more on KEMFSED project. Through PICD methodology, it was expected that the communities will have an ownership mentality towards development goals and therefore minimize the over dependency syndrome and a sense helplessness in the absence of external support. Some other attitude collection tools include; take a step, boat is sinking, river code, secret in the box, diamond farm, among others. The picture above shows pongwe kikoneni community members actively participating in the river code role play. |
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Community Participating in Attitude Change in Kipini East Ward Tana River County |
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2022-02-14 04:02:51 |
Attitude change tools enable community members to reflect collectively on attitudes and behaviors prevailing in their community and hindering them from being productive.The activity took 2 days where by the communities were taken through the Take A Step Tool which addresses the different social classes in the community. The tool also addresed the importance of inclusivity of all community members in the development process.It also enables them to recognize that everyone plays a critical role in development. |
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Kilifi County Ward Extension Staff Sensitization |
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2022-02-14 04:02:57 |
Ward sensitization to KEMSFED Project was done on 9th and 10th December 2021 at various venues within the 32 participating Wards in the County. A total number of 110 officers were sensitized with 57 being male and 53 being female Officers from ward level were invited from Agriculture/Livestock/Veterinary/ Fisheries/ Trade/Tourism/Cooperatives/Social Services/ Lands/ Youth/Environment/Water. The main aim was to Sensitise officers who will be directly involved in the day to day supervision, mentoring and backstopping of sub projects implemented in the wards. |
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Preparation of Community Development Plan (CDP) in Kipini West Ward- Katsangani village |
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2022-02-14 04:02:20 |
The planning exercise took a maximum of 3 days and it started with the induction of the groups on CDP development process and a format was shared by the field officers. The problems and solutions were ranked by the community which they used to develop four-year development plan for the community. Then later the communities were facilitated in the preparation and development of a CDP. A community development planning committee (CDPC) was selected by the community members. The CDPC were facilitated to come up with the Community visioning matrix ,the long term and short term goals, the CDP, a future map, Wealth ranking and Venn diagram II. |
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Kwale County, Kinango Community, Participatory Social Assessment and Data Collection |
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2022-02-14 04:02:42 |
The photo shows kinango ward seasonal calendar drawn by the community members during the PICD process .This activity describes the selected tools and methods that were used during community dialogue and a step by step approach to demonstrate how different PLA tools helped the PICD team to gather relevant information about the communities that were involved in the exercise. This activity targeted 300 community members which contributes to the intermediate target indicator of beneficiaries expected to access complimentary livelihoods sub-projects. Among the data collection tools were also resource maps, established resource bags and later transect walks to confirm what was in the map, the resource bag and also to get a clear picture of the geographical scopes, soil types and land usage with the ward. Other tools that were used to collect data include trend lines to describe visible changes over time, historical profiles that described past events which heavily impacted on the communities and the respective coping mechanisms that the communities applied, access and control tool, daily activity and seasonal calendars that also described how different communities spend their time.
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Ratification of Community Development Plan (CDP) in Kipini West Ward |
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2022-02-14 04:02:54 |
A meeting for the whole community was convened to present and ratify the CDP. It was attended by local leaders, women, youth, occupational groups, the poor, disabled, elderly, landless, ethnic and or religious groups. The presentation of the CDP was done by Community Development Planning Committes, assisted by the county field officers and staff from partner agencies. Community members present were given an opportunity to make comments and then ratify the CDP as their own document highlighting their priority development needs, regardless of the funding source. |
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Kilifi County Staff Sensitization to KEMFSED Project |
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2022-02-14 05:02:50 |
Kilifi County staff Sensitization to KEMSFED Project was conducted at North coast beach hotel on 6th to 7th December 2022. The activity aimed at understanding the Project overview, implementation arrangements, and roles and participation in the technical backstopping in the wards where activities will be conducted. The staffs were drawn from different relevant departments including Agriculture/Livestock/Veterinary/ Fisheries/ Trade/Tourism/Cooperatives/Social Services/ Lands/ Youth/Environment/Water/ where a total 59 officers participated with 39 being male and 20 females |
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Kilifi County Ward Extension staff sensitization |
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2022-02-14 05:02:32 |
Ward sensitization to KEMSFED Project was done on 9th and 10th December 2021 at various venues within the 32 participating Wards in the County. A total number of 110 officers were sensitized with 57 being male and 53 being female Officers from ward level were invited from Agriculture/Livestock/Veterinary/ Fisheries/ Trade/Tourism/Cooperatives/Social Services/ Lands/ Youth/Environment/Water. The main aim was to Sensitise officers who will be directly involved in the day to day supervision, mentoring and backstopping of sub projects implemented in the wards. |
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2022-02-15 09:02:25 |
The PICD planning meeting was conducted on 13th to 14th December 2021 at North Coast Beach Hotel to plan on the Implementation of PICD process at ward level. The officers were assigned roles based on the PICD training manual to ensure smooth and effective training process at the grass root level in their respective wards. The participants for the Planning meeting comprised of Trainer Of Trainers, Trainer of Facilitators and County Project Implementing Unit with a composition of 56 male and 27 females. |
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Community Sensitization of Community/Opinion Leaders |
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2022-02-15 10:02:52 |
The community entry meetings was conducted in all the 32 project participating wards (Mtepeni, Junju, Shimo La Tewa, Mwawesa, Kisurutini, Ruruma, Kambe/ Ribe, Jaribuni, Ganze, Sokoke, Bamba. Mnarani, Sokoni, Kibarani, Tezo, Matsangoni, Dabaso, Watamu, Shella, Malindi town, Kakuyuni, Jilore, Ganda, Chasimba, Mwarakaya, Sabaki, Magarini, Gongoni, Adu, Marafa and Garashi. The main aim was for the leaders to understand the implementation strategy of KEMSFED, know their roles, understand the ward well and also be able to understand the Key stakeholers that support community projects. |
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Community Sensitization of Community/Opinion Leaders |
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2022-02-15 10:02:52 |
The community entry meetings was conducted in all the 32 project participating wards (Mtepeni, Junju, Shimo La Tewa, Mwawesa, Kisurutini, Ruruma, Kambe/ Ribe, Jaribuni, Ganze, Sokoke, Bamba. Mnarani, Sokoni, Kibarani, Tezo, Matsangoni, Dabaso, Watamu, Shella, Malindi town, Kakuyuni, Jilore, Ganda, Chasimba, Mwarakaya, Sabaki, Magarini, Gongoni, Adu, Marafa and Garashi. The main aim was for the leaders to understand the implementation strategy of KEMSFED, know their roles, understand the ward well and also be able to understand the Key stakeholers that support community projects. |
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Kilifi County Community Sensitization and Awareness meetings |
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2022-02-15 02:02:10 |
Community sensitization and awareness creation were conducted in all 32 project participating wards (Mtepeni, Junju, Shimo La Tewa, Mwawesa, Kisurutini, Ruruma, Kambe/ Ribe, Jaribuni, Ganze, Sokoke, Bamba. Mnarani, Sokoni, Kibarani, Tezo, Matsangoni, Dabaso, Watamu, Shella, Malindi town, Kakuyuni, Jilore, Ganda, Chasimba, Mwarakaya, Sabaki, Magarini, Gongoni, Adu, Marafa and Garashi. The main aim of the activity was to sensitise the project target communities on KEMSFED project implementation, know their roles, understand the ward well and also be able to understand the Key stakeholders that support community projects. A total of 3700 Participants comprised of 1926 for male and 1774 for female. |
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Kilifi County Community Sensitization and Awareness meetings |
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2022-02-15 02:02:10 |
Community sensitization and awareness creation were conducted in all 32 project participating wards (Mtepeni, Junju, Shimo La Tewa, Mwawesa, Kisurutini, Ruruma, Kambe/ Ribe, Jaribuni, Ganze, Sokoke, Bamba. Mnarani, Sokoni, Kibarani, Tezo, Matsangoni, Dabaso, Watamu, Shella, Malindi town, Kakuyuni, Jilore, Ganda, Chasimba, Mwarakaya, Sabaki, Magarini, Gongoni, Adu, Marafa and Garashi. The main aim of the activity was to sensitise the project target communities on KEMSFED project implementation, know their roles, understand the ward well and also be able to understand the Key stakeholders that support community projects. A total of 3700 Participants comprised of 1926 for male and 1774 for female. |
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KEMFSED-Component 1.2 County Executive Committee Members (CECMs) Caucus Quarterly Meeting |
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2022-02-15 03:02:14 |
The chair of the County Executive Committee Member (CECM) Caucus. Hon Dr. Luciana Sanzua addressing members during the 1st quarterly caucus meeting at KALRO, Mtwapa on 15th December, 2022 The CECM caucus is one of the key co-management structures for county and national-level co-ordination during the project implementation aiming at achieving the objective improved governance of the near-shore fisheries. The caucus is comprised of the CECMs responsible for fisheries within the 5 coastal counties, the National Project Coordinator and the Director General Kenya Fisheries Service. |
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Improving Fisheries and Blue Economy Infrastructure at the Coastal Region: Construction of a Modern Fish Market at Ngomeni Fish Landing Site, Kilifi County |
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2022-03-30 03:03:30 |
The project is one of the initiatives by the State Department for Fisheries, Aquaculture and the Blue Economy to improve Fisheries and Blue Economy infrastructure at the Coast region. The scope of the project entails construction of a modern fish market equipped with a cold room, ice plant and supplied with fresh water. The project will improve the fish cold chain and thereby reduce fish post-harvest losses during fishing (fishers will have access to affordable ice when going fishing) and storage. These interventions will subsequently contribute to food and nutrition security for the coastal communities. Further, trade and market access for fisheries products in the area will be improved contributing to employment creation along the fish value chain. |
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Improving Fisheries and Blue Economy Infrastructure at the Coastal Region: Ongoing Construction of a Modern Fish Market at Malindi Fish Landing Site, Kilifi County |
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2022-03-30 03:03:53 |
The project is one of the initiatives by the State Department for Fisheries, Aquaculture and the Blue Economy to improve Fisheries and Blue Economy infrastructure at the Coast region. The scope of the project entails construction of a modern fish market equipped with a cold room, ice plant and supplied with fresh water. The project will improve the fish cold chain and thereby reduce fish post-harvest losses during fishing (fishers will have access to affordable ice when going fishing) and storage. These interventions will subsequently contribute to food and nutrition security for the coastal communities. Further, trade and market access for fisheries products in the area will be improved contributing to employment creation along the fish value chain. |
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Improving Fisheries and Blue Economy Infrastructure at the Coastal Region: Ongoing Construction of a Modern Fish Market at Timbwani Fish Landing Site, Mombasa County |
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2022-03-30 03:03:08 |
The project is one of the initiatives by the State Department for Fisheries, Aquaculture and the Blue Economy to improve Fisheries and Blue Economy infrastructure at the Coast region. The scope of the project entails construction of a modern fish market equipped with a cold room, ice plant and supplied with fresh water. The project will improve the fish cold chain and thereby reduce fish post-harvest losses during fishing (fishers will have access to affordable ice when going fishing) and storage. These interventions will subsequently contribute to food and nutrition security for the coastal communities. Further, trade and market access for fisheries products in the area will be improved contributing to employment creation along the fish value chain. |
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Aquaculture Business Development Programme (ABDP) |
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2023-03-21 04:03:07 |
Aquaculture Business Development Programme (ABDP is a government-led initiative aimed at promoting the development of a sustainable aquaculture industry in the targeted counties in Kenya. The programme is funded by the Kenyan government and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and implemented by the Ministry of Mining, Blue Economy and Maritime Affairs. The Programme focuses on improving the productivity and profitability of small-scale aquaculture farmers in the country. The programme provides technical assistance and training to farmers on a range of topics, including fish pond management, fish nutrition, disease control, and marketing. The program also supports the establishment of fish feed production centers, hatcheries, and fish processing plants to promote value addition in the sector. In addition, the Programme provides financial support to small-scale farmers through a revolving fund that offers loans for fish farming inputs and equipment. The program also works to strengthen the capacity of farmer groups and cooperatives, to enable them to access markets, negotiate better prices for their products, and collaborate with other actors in the value chain. The Programme has had a significant impact on the aquaculture sector in Kenya, with over 20,000 farmers benefitting from the Programme since its inception. The programme has helped to increase fish production in the country, reduce fish imports, and improve the livelihoods of small-scale farmers. |