One of NuPEA’s core mandate is to conduct Public Communication, Information, Education and Stakeholder engagement. Towards this end the Agency undertakes various activities aimed at increasing public/stakeholders knowledge, understanding, awareness and ultimately acceptance of nuclear technology for electricity production in Kenya. NuPEA applies a robust multi-faceted approach in stakeholder engagement and public education through a number of activities. The Agency has.
Key achievements include:
- Conducted public participation in about 27 counties using different activities and platforms: Open Days, Television, Radio, social media platforms, ASK shows, County forum town hall meetings, media trainings, organized familiarization tours for policy makers to nuclear generating countries, nuclear career talks, consumer group dialogue, national and international conferences amongst others
- Development of a comprehensive Communication Strategy and implementation of broad public education programme through different forums;
- Development of a variety of informational, educational and communication materials and undertaking continuous public and stakeholder education activities;
- In collaboration with the International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC), the Agency hosted the international conference in Kenya for knowledge exchange and benchmarking on nuclear energy development on a live webinar in November, 2020. The aim of the Conference was to provide a forum to discuss priorities and concerns related to energy and nuclear power, and further strengthen coordination with interested and relevant regional bodies/organizations in introducing nuclear power in Africa.
Nuclear power technology requires highly knowledgeable and skilled individuals to ensure its development and growth. NuPEA has identified Human Resource Development (HRD) as a central part towards the implementation of safe nuclear energy program. Currently policies and strategies towards attaining a sustainable workforce via HRD are being formulated and implemented. These policies and strategies shall strengthen, develop, maintain and implement capacity building programs, including education, training and exercises at the national, regional and international levels. In doing so Kenya shall continuously ensure sufficient and competent human resources necessary to assume their responsibility for safe, responsible and sustainable use of nuclear energy technologies.
The Agency has rolled out annual training programmes targeting Kenyans for training in various nuclear fields so as to build adequate capacity for the support of the national nuclear power programme. The training comprises both short and long term programmes in partnership with local and international institutions of higher learning and other training partners.
Collaboration and cooperation in capacity development is critical for newcomer countries. Kenya is a member state of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and has established a Technical Cooperation Programme with the IAEA to build capacity for its national nuclear power programme. Kenya has benefited from capacity building initiatives co-sponsored by IAEA and the Government of Kenya (GoK) through NuPEA through the Technical Cooperation program. The capacity developed since 2014 to date, has been through the following initiatives:
- Trainings: Approximately 300
- Technical Meetings: Approximately 400
- Technical Workshops: Approximately 150
- Nuclear Fellowships: Approximately 60
- Conferences: Approximately 120
- Scientific Visits: Approximately 50
- Virtual training/meetings: Approximately 70
- Various Expert Missions
Further, Kenya has concluded cooperation agreements and MoUs with national training institutions and foreign countries with advanced nuclear power programs on various aspects of nuclear science and technology such as capacity development. These MoU partnerships have facilitated post-graduate training in nuclear science & technology courses, locally and internationally, and they include:
- Masters in Nuclear Science (UON)
- Masters in Nuclear Engineering (KINGS University, S. Korea): 39 Graduated, 6 enrolled.
- Masters in Energy Policy (KINGS University, S. Korea): 4 Graduated, 4 enrolled.
- Masters in Energy Policy (Seoul National University, S. Korea): 3 Graduated, 2 Enrolled.
- Masters in Nuclear Science & Technology (Harbin Engineering University, China)
- Masters in Nuclear Engineering (Texas A&M University, USA): 1 Graduated
- Masters in Nuclear Engineering and Management (Tsinghua University, China): 2 Graduated
Capacity building for the national nuclear power programme implementation is being pursued within these and/or expanded cooperation agreements and MoUs.